Radon Gas IS Something You Should be Aware of...


You cannot get rid of Radon; there is no such thing as zero radon gas.  It is here to stay.  Radon is a carcinogenic gas that is hazardous to inhale. Build-up of radon in homes is a health concern and many lung cancer cases are attributed to radon exposure each year. About 12% of lung cancers and more than 20,000 Americans die of radon-related lung cancer each year. The Surgeon General of the United States has issued a Health Advisory warning Americans about the health risk from exposure to radon in indoor air.  Dr. Carmona, the Nation's Chief Physician urged Americans to test their homes to find out how much radon they might be breathing.  He also stressed the need to remedy the…

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We just received the last lawn care treatment of the year from our TruGreen® lawn care specialists this past weekend.  Much of the focus was feeding the lawn (our lawn is Fescue) and preparing it for the upcoming winter months.  In the Upstate area of South Carolina, we are usually fighting warm and cold days through October and in to November.  The hard winter months, tend to dig in from December through February with March becoming a transitional periof from Winter to Spring. 

Winter can be a stressful time for your lawn and landscape.  Low temperatures, ice and snow cover and the incorrect cultural practices can impact their ability to quickly recover when spring arrives.  While we can’t control Mother Nature, there are things you can do to help your…

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