Your credit history one of the most critical issues that pops up whenever you want to take a loan. It is advisable to have a good credit history to improve your chances of qualifying for any loan. Your credit score will affect the loan you can get and the interest rates you will be charged.


When buying a home, you first need to know your credit score. The credit score not only affects the cost of borrowing for you but also your card approvals and job applications. The credit score will also be used to determine whether you will qualify for a mortgage. As such, you would not wish to see it fall below 620. Lenders prefer to give loans to people who are more likely to pay back their loans without defaulting.


House Buying Guidelines for home…

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If you are planning on buying a home in 2017, congratulations: you will be entering the real estate market at a time when the American economy is recovering at a solid and promising pace. If you are a first-time home buyer about to discover the world of mortgage financing, here are some useful terms for you to start becoming familiar with:




What we commonly refer to as a home loan is actually a conveyance of interest in a property that creates a security for the purpose of repayment. In other words, a mortgage is a debt instrument that ties up a home as the collateral.




This is the actual legally binding instrument that formalizes the borrower's promise to make payments as determined by the mortgage.


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If you and your family are considering moving, then you are sure to be checking out every house, every neighborhood, every school, and every medical facility. You may even be doing secret background checks on the neighbors, your potential employers, and that 7th grade science teacher whose picture doesn’t seem quite right on the school directory of your child’s next potential school. In any case, you can put your fears to rest.


Here are a few different things to look for when choosing the perfect neighborhood for you and your family to move into:



Get To Know The School Zones

If you have children, your children should be one of your top priorities when choosing a new neighborhood to move to. The school experience that your children…

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If you're dreading the rising utility bills that come as temperatures drop, you're not alone. For many of us, keeping our homes warm without spending a fortune can be a challenge. You may not be able to change the weather, but you can get your home ready for winter. Try out these expert tips for winterizing your home just in time for cold weather.


Look for Air Leaks


Drafts are major sources of heat loss. Check around your baseboards, windows and doors for gaps, cracks and other causes of air leaks. Caulk or otherwise fill in gaps where needed. Spaces around pipes are also common places for loss of heat in the home. Insulating your hot water pipes with material made for this purpose increases the temperature and prevents pipes from bursting…

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Winter sneaks up on homeowners every year. The variable weather of the autumn season where it wavers back and forth between cool and warm lulls everyone into thinking it will stay that way. On the warm days, you want to get out and enjoy the sunshine. On the chilly days, you want to stay inside. Then, it suddenly gets cold and stays that way until spring. Do not let your window of opportunity to prepare your home for the winter months pass you buy this year. Here is a checklist of things to go through while you can still comfortably work outdoors.


Seal out the Drafts


Caulking and expanding foam sealants will not work properly if you try to use them when it really gets cold outside. Take advantage of the mild temperatures of fall days to…

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Every year sees new trends. Compared to past years, most of which featured industrial-inspired home renovation ideas, 2017 has brought in the best home improvement trends yet. Here are some of the popular home improvement trends in 2017.


The open floor plan

On account of the many benefits it offers, the open floor plan is one of the most popular home improvement trends in 2017. Homeowners have incorporated the open floor layout to help create a connection between indoor and outdoor spaces. Apart from connecting interior and exterior spaces, the removal of extra interior walls can open up any living space, making it appear much larger. In addition to giving homeowners a better view of their outdoor landscape, the elimination of visual barriers…

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For many home sellers and home buyers today, a home warranty comes as standard fare during the transaction. In some cases, it is the seller who will purchase a home warranty as an extra perk for buyers interested in purchasing the property.


In many more cases, the buyer will choose to purchase a home warranty to help keep home repairs and maintenance costs more reasonable. If you have never bought a home warranty before, you probably have lots of questions, including what a home warranty does and doesn't cover, the average cost of a policy and what type of property makes the best candidate to purchase a home warranty.


What Is a Home Warranty?


As Investopedia explains, there are important differences between a home warranty and…

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Making a home beautiful is something that is always in progress. Each new item that you use will reflect your personality. Decorations are what make a house feel like a fantastic home.


Just like the clothing trends, no one will resist new interior designs. These shiny new decoration pieces, design, amazing colors as well as new furniture styles are now making way into our homes while paving way for outdated designs to get out.


Some of the interior designs that are going out of style are as follows;


Brass Overkill


Brass overkill is one of the known interior design that is falling out of style. This interior design appears to be cheap and is a bit contrived thus its quality doesn't suit those that are required by the…

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5 Tips for a Great Entertaining Space

If you are planning to create a great entertaining space from scratch, than you have come to the right place. Below you will find five great tips for creating the perfect space for entertaining.

1. Keep the Space Nice And Open

If you have the option to create or utilize an area that is very open with a nice area of space in the middle, then use this space to create exactly what you would like to out of this area. You can form seating around the perimeter or add a fountain, fire pit, or television to the middle of the area. The idea behind having an open space is keeping plenty of walking space between people and where they may be playing a game, watching television, eating, or sitting to ensure that everyone…

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4 Ways to Make Your Home Feel Like New

Your home likely felt new and fresh during the first few weeks after you bought it. The daily activities in your home can result in stains, scuff marks and a buildup of clutter. Over time, the walls, floors and furniture may start to look dull, worn or dated. When you are ready to make your home look new again, try these four simple tips. Each of these activities is easy to do and is affordable on any budget.


Removing Clutter

After you have lived in your home for a while, items start to accumulate. It might even seem like things are multiplying in the back of your closets. What felt like a lot of space when you moved in might now feel cramped and stuffed. Removing some clutter from your home could help…

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