How to Craft a Competitive Home Purchase Offer

If you are looking to buy a home, it is critical that you understand how to make purchase offers that sellers will take seriously. It isn't uncommon for sellers to simply disregard any offers that they don't like without making an attempt to counter. Let's take a look at how you can make competitive offers on homes that you want to buy. 

Offer to Pay in Cash

By making a cash offer, it may be possible to close on a home sale within hours or days of your proposal being accepted. This is because there will be no need to apply for a mortgage and go through the steps related to obtaining financing. Furthermore, since you already have the money to buy the home, the seller can feel more confident that the…

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4 Reasons Why You Need a Home Inspection

Home inspections have become a common part of purchasing a home. You may be wondering whether or not you should get a home inspection; we're here to explain why you need one. A home inspection will help you to avoid problems and ensure that you get a fair deal on it.

1. Avoid a Lemon

A lemon, in this context, refers to a home that looks nice at first but will leave a sour taste in your mouth if you decide to bite into it. This means that you might not notice the problems or issues with the home before you purchase it. Once you live in it, however, you'll start to notice some serious problems.

If you want to avoid a lemon, then you should get a home inspection to find out if there are any overlooked…

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Why You Need a Radon Inspection When Buying a Home

Radon is a naturally occurring, radioactive element. It comes from the breakdown of uranium in the soil. Some areas of the United States have high levels of radon. About one in 15 homes has high radon levels, and the one you want to purchase could be it. Read on to learn why you should get a radon inspection when buying a home.

Understand the Health Effects of Radon Exposure

If you're like a typical American, you spend about 90% of your time indoors. Most of that time is spent where you live. Radon is a radioactive gas that causes damage to human cells. It's the second-leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. Among people who don't smoke, it's the leading cause of lung cancer. If you do…

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6 Types of Home Inspections You May Need

Property Line Inspection

Property line surveys help you distinguish the difference between your house and your neighbor's house. Other reasons you might need a property line inspection include building a fence to separate you from your neighbors if you happen to own a dog, adding a pool to your backyard, and making updates and improvements that are actually on your own property. 

After you have completed a property inspection, you will get an official document that will define your piece of property as yours. If the land was accidentally improperly divided a long time ago, you may need to trace through several property inspections in order to find the original dividing lines.

Getting a property…

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Tips on Choosing the Correct Realtor

Finding the right realtor is an important decision when it comes to helping you purchase or sell a home. Taking the extra time to find the best realtor in your area can pay off as they help you get the best deal possible. The following are a few key tips that can play a vital role in helping you find the right realtor who will have your best interests in mind.

1. Ask for Referrals

One of the best ways to find a good realtor is to ask your friends and family members for their recommendations. You should also ask people who were in a similar situation as yourself whether you are a first-time homebuyer, buying your second home, or if you are looking to downsize. It's a good idea to work with someone who has…

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Thinking of Buying a Home? Here’s How to Know If It’s the Right Time

For many potential homeowners, the idea of owning a home has been reoccurring in their minds repeatedly over the years. On the other hand, it may also occur as a spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment thought for some. Either way, home ownership is a major life moment, and it is important to make sure you are completely ready. Here are a few things to consider while you decide if now is the right time to buy a house. 

Ready for More Responsibility?

It usually goes without saying that home ownership comes with a lot more responsibility than renting from a landlord. There are extra costs and tasks that you will be responsible for, including a mortgage, house insurance, maintenance,…

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How to Choose the Right Neighborhood When Buying a Home

There are many factors to consider when buying a home. Not only are you looking for one within your price range, but you also want to find one with the features that you need inside, like the right number of bedrooms. However, the location of your home is just as important as these items and should be carefully researched and considered before making an offer. Here are a few things to look for when shopping for a home.

School District

Choosing the right school district is imperative if you have children. Compare the rankings of local schools online and look for homes that fall within their boundaries. Things like student-to-teacher ratio, graduation rate, and test scores are all factors to…

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How Big of a Home Do You Need?

When buying a home, especially your first home, you may not have any idea of how big your home should be. To make sure that the property you purchase is the right size for you, here is a list of considerations to help you in your decision-making.

General Considerations

  • Is this your first home?

  • If you already have a home, are you upsizing, downsizing or merely changing locations?

  • Do you have school-age children?

  • Do you want non-standard amenities on the property such as pools, workshops, detached buildings, etc.?

  • What size lot are you looking for?

  • Do you want to live in a gated subdivision?

  • Do you wish to live in a neighborhood with a Homeowners…

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5 Reasons to Buy an Older Home

Are you looking for a home to purchase? Many buyers emphasize finding a new home, but here are some great reasons to consider an older home. 

1. They Don't Make Them Like They Used To

Many older homes were built with higher quality materials than those used today. For example, today’s homes often have drywall, which is lighter and easier to put up. This allows more homes to be built in a short amount of time. Alternatively, many older homes have walls made with lathe and plaster, which is sturdier and provides a higher level of insulation. More care was also taken in the construction of many older homes because they weren't built as quickly as they are today.

A large number of older homes were constructed with…

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Which Styles of Home Have the Best Resale?

If you are buying a home that you already know you are going to sell in a few years, then there are many different factors you will want to consider. For example, homes on larger lots usually have a higher resale value. Those with the most features will often fetch the highest price. Of course, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms makes a considerable difference in the amount that you can expect to get when you sell the home. It turns out that certain styles of homes have a better resale value than other styles. 


At the top of the list, according to Market Watch, are ranch-style homes. As Americans age, many are preferring the ranch-style home because it is built all on one level. This makes it…

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