What To Know Before You Sign a Listing Agreement for Selling a House

A listing agreement is a legally binding contract that allows a real estate agent to sell your house or property on your behalf. Signing this agreement gives your agent the green light to advertise your house to their networks in return for compensation from the sale proceeds.

Like any other legally binding contract, you should ensure that the listing agreement entails your obligations and those of your agent, as you have discussed and agreed upon. It helps to formalize your agreement to protect yourself from unforeseen tussles during the term of the business contract.

Let's take a look at this critical contract document and some of its important terms, which you should ensure…

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A Guide To Budgeting for New Homeowners

Buying a home is a common goal, and it's usually the most significant purchase people make in their lifetimes. Once the house buying process is complete, you'll know exactly how much your monthly mortgage payments will be. However, determining your utility costs is trickier, particularly if you moved from an apartment to a home. 

Utility Costs to Consider 

Based on a 2,000-square-foot home, a rough estimate for utility costs is $400-$500 per month, including electric, natural gas, water, garbage and internet service. Electric and gas costs vary according to usage,  and your bills will also be higher if you live in an area with a colder or hotter average climate. Of course, the impact on your budget depends…

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Renting vs. Buying a House: Which Is Better?

There are many things to consider when deciding between renting or buying a home. It's helpful to come up with a pros and cons list to compare the advantages and disadvantages of each. 

Advantages of Renting a Home

Below are five reasons for renting:

  • The landlord covers maintenance and repairs. 

  • Renters aren't responsible for property taxes.

  • There's no down payment required.

  • You can move with a 30-day notice.

  • If the property value goes down, it doesn't directly affect you.     

Disadvantages of Renting a Home

Here are five reasons against renting: 

  • You don't have the opportunity to earn equity.

  • Rent increases are standard.

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Is an Economic Slowdown Good or Bad for the Housing Market?

With more Americans concerned about a possible recession, is it still beneficial to buy a house? Here’s what you need to know about an economic slowdown, its potential impact on your finances and how to stay positive despite it all.

Should You Wait Until the Economy Is Good Before Buying My First Home?

It can be tempting to wait until economic conditions are ideal before buying a home, but there are several reasons why you shouldn't wait. First, interest rates are still historically low and could dip as inflation cools. Second, prices may rise as the economy improves, so it's better to buy sooner rather than later. While it's true that mortgage rates could dip in a recession, there are…

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What Causes a Home's Value to Decrease? (5 Mistakes to Avoid)

There are hundreds of customizations and adjustments homeowners might make to a house. Some changes add to the value of the house, but others can actually decrease it without the owner even realizing it. These are the most common mistakes homeowners make when changing their homes.

1. Cheap Repairs

It can be hard to shell out for constant repairs, but it's essential to keep your home in good condition. Opting for cheap workmanship, DIY repairs or, worse, ignoring the problem won't be cheaper in the long run as it devalues the property. 

Imagine viewing a home and seeing improperly cut tiling, obvious plaster patches in the wall or wonky fittings. These patchy features will set anyone…

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Home Inspection Checklist for Buyers: What You Need To Know Before Inspection Day

A home inspection is essential when purchasing a house. For a buyer, an inspection is a great way to save unnecessary costs. An inspection might seem daunting or stressful, but that doesn't have to be the case. This article will equip you with a checklist of what is important before the inspection. After checking the tips below, you'll be ready for inspection day.

Cost of a Home Inspection

Price differs depending on your location and the size and condition of the house. The Housing and Urban Development Department states that a home inspection ranges from $300 to $500. You might pay more in some instances.

It could help to know that specialty inspections aren't…

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What Are the Fees When Selling a House?

Selling your house can be an exciting and nerve-wrecking journey. You're about to embark on a new path, start new adventures and move on from one home to another. However, the process of selling your home stands in the way of beginning your new life. If you have a realtor, you're probably aware of closing costs and realtor fees. But did you know there are other fees associated with selling your house? Read on to learn more about fees you'll pay when putting your home up for sale. 

Home Improvement Fees

Many realtors suggest enhancing your home's curb appeal before listing it for sale so it's enticing from the moment it hits the market. This can mean anything from fixing a leaky faucet to resealing the deck.…

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8 Tips to Perfectly Stage Your Home to Sell

Selling your home doesn’t have to be complicated, but there are some steps you can take to make the process easier and more profitable. Here are eight staging tips to help sell your home, so you can quickly find your next place and move onto the next chapter of your life.

1. Remove Clutter

One of the most important things you can do when preparing your home for sale is to remove all clutter. Clutter makes a space feel smaller and can be off-putting to buyers. Plus, it's plain messy.

2. Add Color

One of the best ways to make your home feel fresh and new is by adding a pop of color. Color could be in the form of a bright-colored vase on the coffee table or a piece of art hung on a blank wall. A…

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12 Real Estate Tips for Making Every Buyer a Happy Customer

As of 2022, there are over 1.5 million individuals who are members of the National Association of Realtors. This shows just how much competition is out there. For this reason, as an agent, you need to go above and beyond for your customers to make them feel confident in your services and comfortable with you. These 12 tips can help you ensure each buyer is a happy customer!

Get to Know the Customer Personally

In real estate, you're looking to find people their dream homes. When you get to know them personally, you can better house shop for them. 

Make Them Feel Like Friends  

Home purchasing is a huge investment. People want to work with someone they can trust, which makes treating…

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