What people are looking for in properties varies due to their age.  Millennials prefer a convenient location and open floor plan, and they would like to communicate with realtors through texts or emails.  For Generation X members, they value a solid school district and house features over the location and would prefer to connect with realtors through emails or phone calls.  Baby Boomers are focused on first-floor master bedrooms and accessibility for future needs, and when communicating with a realtor, they prefer phone calls.  Members of the Silent Generation are focused on smaller homes close to friends and families, and they choose to communicate with realtors through face to face interactions.  No matter what age group you are in, contact a real…

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The Most Important "To-Do's" on Your Spring/ Summer Cleaning List

Spring cleaning can offer a way to freshen up the indoor and outdoor spaces of your home, while cleaning away the dirt and dust that has accumulated over the winter season. Many people also take advantage of the spring cleaning season to de-clutter throughout the home and clean up storage spaces like the attic and garage. Whether you live in a small apartment, or a large multi-level home, spring cleaning can help make your home a happier place to live in. The following are some of the most important things to consider when writing out your spring cleaning "to-do" list.


Clean Out Attic and Garage

Both of these areas tend to be catch-all spaces for junk that you don't know what…

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5 Tips for a Great Entertaining Space

If you are planning to create a great entertaining space from scratch, than you have come to the right place. Below you will find five great tips for creating the perfect space for entertaining.

1. Keep the Space Nice And Open

If you have the option to create or utilize an area that is very open with a nice area of space in the middle, then use this space to create exactly what you would like to out of this area. You can form seating around the perimeter or add a fountain, fire pit, or television to the middle of the area. The idea behind having an open space is keeping plenty of walking space between people and where they may be playing a game, watching television, eating, or sitting to ensure that everyone…

1933 Views, 0 Comments

4 Ways to Make Your Home Feel Like New

Your home likely felt new and fresh during the first few weeks after you bought it. The daily activities in your home can result in stains, scuff marks and a buildup of clutter. Over time, the walls, floors and furniture may start to look dull, worn or dated. When you are ready to make your home look new again, try these four simple tips. Each of these activities is easy to do and is affordable on any budget.


Removing Clutter

After you have lived in your home for a while, items start to accumulate. It might even seem like things are multiplying in the back of your closets. What felt like a lot of space when you moved in might now feel cramped and stuffed. Removing some clutter from your home could help…

1981 Views, 0 Comments

Meeting the Challenge of Long Distance House Hunting

Having to relocate to another region or state can sometimes cause anxiety and stress because of the uncertainties associated with a move to an unfamiliar location. Intensive research, careful planning, and organization can alleviate some of the perceived problems associated with relocating to another area or state. House hunting has its own unique challenges regardless of the circumstances, but it is possible to meet these challenges head-on by keeping several important factors in mind. There is an abundant amount of information available online today that makes beginning the search so much easier than it was in the past. The Internet enables home shoppers to do homework in advance without having to…

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4 Signs It’s Time to List With A Realtor

It seemed a great idea at the time. Save yourself the 6 percent commission that you'd have to pay a realtor by selling your home on your own. After all, how difficult is it to put up a “For Sale By Owner (FSBO)” sign on your front lawn and to put an ad on the local paper and in a real estate website. You've even seen enough housing shows to know that you should stage your property inside and out to make it attractive to buyers. You certainly don't need a sales agent to tell you that.

So here it is, six months later, and your home is still on the market with no buyer in sight. Before you reach that sorry state, learn to recognize the four signs that it's time to list with a realtor.


You don't know how…

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The Pros and Cons of Buying vs. Renting

People often wonder whether they should buy or rent their home. There are many things to take into consideration, not all of them financial. We’ll cover some of the pros and cons of buying vs renting so you can decide which one would be right for you.



You’ve probably heard the saying 'renting is throwing money away'. This is because people equate renting with giving away your hard-earned cash. You’re not building equity when you rent, so when you move out you cannot sell your property or make money from it.


Renters, on the other hand, do not have to pay for upkeep or repairs. They are able to move whenever they wish depending upon the lease and often only have to pay a penalty if they…

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If you are selling your house, it is a given that you want it sold as soon as possible. Having your house sit on the market for a long period is costly and inconvenient. To sell it quickly, it is important to know some of the most popular qualities in a home that buyers are looking for.

1. Updated Windows

 Buyers are looking for energy efficiency in the home they want to buy to save money and be more environmentally friendly. When buyers see old windows, they automatically think about high utility bills and drafts. The most effective way to increase energy efficiency is to update old windows with good quality, Energy Star-rated windows.

 2. Open Floor Plans

 A house with an open floor plan tends to…

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Whether you're brand new to Greenville or you've been here for as long as you can remember, you'll be sure of one thing — when it comes to love for community, sharing, and communication, Greenville is at the forefront. Residents of Greenville love to know what's going on and are passionate about new developments, burgeoning businesses, and emerging scenes within the area. One of the best ways to give these startups, events, artists, and developments more productive exposure is, of course, Instagram. Don't worry — we know your feed is filled with images of balmy beaches in the Pacific, models riding horses through a dramatic Colorado landscape, and sweater-swathed folks standing under the shimmering northern lights. But, re-focusing your feed on the…

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