Community of Greenville

Oak Pointe Real Estate

Homes don't come up for sale often in Oak Pointe, and when they do, they tend to sell quickly. This charming little Greenville subdivision ends in a quiet cul-de-sac adjacent to Oak Grove Lake. Real estate in Oak Pointe consists of single-family homes, mainly two-story or elevated ranch style with vinyl siding and brick accents. A great family community, residents are close to schools, shopping, and Oak Grove Lake Park ...[read more]

Oak Pointe Listing Stats

Average Home Price $0
Lowest Price $0
Highest Price $0
Total Listings 0
Avg. Price/SQFT $0

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Homes for Sale in Oak Pointe

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Oak Pointe Community

Oak Pointe homes are situated a short walk from the 18 acre Oak Grove Lake. An oval road surrounds the lake that's perfect for jogging, walking biking or roller blading. A local remote control sailboat club holds regular regattas here as well. Once the fish population is stabilized, the lake will be re-opened for fishing. A shelter is available for group reservations on a daily basis.

Oak Pointe Schools

Schools in or near Oak Pointe include:

  • Elementary: Sara Collins Elementary School
  • Middle: Beck Middle School
  • High School: J. L. Mann High School

Interested in learning more about homes in Oak Pointe or the surrounding Greenville area? Then please don't hesitate to email or call Lisa DeLuca at (864) 292-3333.

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