Community of Greer

Batesville Ridge Real Estate

Batesville Ridge is a quiet subdivision of upscale real estate adjacent to a large expanse of greenspace. Beautiful homes featuring all the bells and whistles sit on park-like quarter-acre properties. Residents are conveniently located close to the intersection of Batesville Road and Roper Mountain Road ...[read more]

Batesville Ridge Listing Stats

Average Home Price $480K
Lowest Price $480K
Highest Price $480K
Total Listings 1
Avg. Price/SQFT $200

Property Types (active listings)

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Batesville Ridge Community

Batesville Ridge is a quiet subdivision of upscale real estate adjacent to a large expanse of greenspace. Beautiful homes featuring all the bells and whistles sit on park-like quarter-acre properties. Residents are conveniently located close to the intersection of Batesville Road and Roper Mountain Road for quick access to all amenities.

Batesville Ridge Schools

Schools in Batesville Ridge include:

  • Oakview Elementary
  • Riverside Middle School
  • J.L. Mann High School

Are you interested in real estate in Batesville Ridge? Would you like to learn more about the Greer real estate market? Then please don't hesitate to email or call Lisa DeLuca-Alexander at (864) 292-3333.

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