Taylors, SC Neighborhoods

Taylors, SC neighborhoods are found within Greenville County, less than 8 miles outside of Greenville. Located just off of Route 29, Taylors is the largest suburb in the Greenville/Spartanburg area. As such, it acts as a bedroom community for Greenville and Spartanburg. Real estate in Taylors predominantly consists of single-family homes, condos and townhomes, and provides residents with a quieter and more relaxed atmosphere than what's found in busier cities.

Search homes for sale by specific neighborhoods in Taylors, or view all Taylors real estate listings.

If you'd like to learn more about any of the Taylors communities above, or neighborhoods in the surrounding area, call (864) 292-3333 or send us a message! The Del-co Realty team is standing by to help you with all of your real estate needs.

- Lisa Alexander, Del-co Realty Group, Inc.

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