Staging a home is a crucial time in the selling process. It is common for a homeowner to start to feel overwhelmed when preparing to stage their home. However, there are tips that you can follow in order to stage your home like a professional. Implementing these tips will help to ensure that you sell your home as quick as possible. In this post, you will learn six fool proof home staging tips.


1. Start with Curb Appeal: It is often said that first impressions are very important. The first thing a buyer will see, when pulling up, is the outside of your home. A small investment in landscaping work can provide a big boost in the appeal of your home. Planting flowers can add much more color and visual appeal to the curbside view of your home.


2. Deep Clean Floors: Flooring is one area in a home that can get worn down quickly. However, renting a machine to clean up carpets makes the home look newer. Having nice, clean floors will really pay off during open houses. If your home has wood floors, a little polish can go a long way during staging. Homes that are full of stained and torn up carpet could have a difficult time selling.


3. Declutter Everywhere Possible: You want to give every visitor to your home plenty of space. Before staging your home, use this as an opportunity for some impromptu cleaning. Also, you won't have to worry about things getting in the way during a walkthrough. Setting aside time before your home is staged to clean out your home has another benefit. Homeowners that declutter before staging will have thrown away items that would have normally been moved to the new home.


4. Give Every Room a Purpose: A new home is very important for a buyer. This person wants to imagine a future in your home. Spare rooms that are empty space do not invoke much in the way of imagery. Repurposing spare rooms is a great way to give your home an extra bit of personality.


5. Get Decorative: You can always purchase a few items that would add a nice decorative touch to your home. Stagings are great opportunities to add some flair to walls, tables, and other areas of the home. The important thing when decorating is to not go overboard which will only create more clutter. You will want to accent with your decorations and not overdo it.


6. Move Around Furniture, if Needed: If you have had a couch or chair that feels out of place, staging is a time to fix that. You might find that you can lay out your furniture in a better way for visitors. If you aren't sure what would look best, ask a friend with an eye for design.


In conclusion, there are many fool proof ways to stage your home. The exterior of your home is something that a homeowner can neglect during the staging process. However, employing landscaping services can easily spruce up lawns. A fresh coat of paint is great for cleaning up the exterior of a home as well as problem areas inside of it. Cleaning is a must during the staging process, especially for floors. Don't be afraid to add a few new decorative items to your home during the time it is being staged. Following these tips will help to ensure your staged home is one that sells very quickly.


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