If you're someone who is seriously concerned about the state of our planet, and you certainly should be, then you might be wondering if there is anything you can do to help protect it. As it turns out, you can actually start having a positive impact on the environment right from your very home. With that in mind, here's a look at eight simple ways in which you can transform your home into a more environmentally friendly place.
1. Move Away from Incandescent Bulbs
Incandescent bulbs use up a tremendous amount of energy and are only nominally brighter than their more eco-friendly counterparts. Compact fluorescent bulbs cut down on the amount of energy your houses uses and come in enough varieties that you can easily find one to naturally integrate into your home's decor.
2. Stop Buying Bottled Water
Instead of buying bottled water, try installing a filter underneath your sink, in order to ensure that your water is as pure as it can be. For when you're on the go, get a stainless steel container for your water.
3. Look for Air Conditioning Alternatives
Instead of wasting energy on air conditioning, or heat, look for natural alternatives to help raise or lower the temperature in your house. For instance, by maneuvering your furniture to naturally rest in the shade, you'll have areas that are considerably cooler than the rest of your house, without putting any undue strain on the environment.
4. Move Away from Non-Organic Chemicals
Instead of using non-organic cleaning chemicals, try to use a combination of natural products that can be just as effective. For most clean-ups, all you really need is some hydrogen peroxide and vinegar. With just these two cleaning products, you'll kill a majority of the household germs you'd typically have to deal with. Similarly, if you're trying to keep away bugs, just spray some garlic oil or chopped tomato leaf around.
5. Look for New Recycling Opportunities
Dead batteries and the like can have a severe impact on the environment, so it's worth studying your local recycling policies before just dumping them in the trash. As it turns out, plenty of locations will help you dispose of them easily, such as Ikea or Whole Foods, and you may even find places with additional rewards for people who choose to recycle.
6. Renovate with the Environment in Mind
If you're thinking about renovating your house, try to do so with the environment in mind. For instance, if you're going to install hardwood floors, consider using bamboo instead of other, less easily grown, materials.
7. Introduce Plants for Better Air Flow
By introducing a variety of plants into your home, you can have a dramatic effect on its air flow. Avoid wasting time and money with inefficient and synthetic chemicals by placing some simple spider plants around your home. You'll be amazed at the difference it makes to the air quality.
8. Use Alternative Sources of Energy
Although this is one of the more expensive options listed, it's still incredibly effective and worth considering. If you can install solar panels in your home and derive energy from those instead, you'll not only be saving the planet, you'll also be saving yourself money in the long run. Yes, you'll need to pay for the initial installation fees, but your energy bill will be so much cheaper that it will effectively pay for itself once enough time has passed.
You may not save the world by yourself with any of these changes, but at least you'll be able to rest easy, knowing that you've done your part to make it a better place. And, once others in your area see the success you've had, maybe you'll be able to convince them to incorporate some changes into their own lifestyle. If enough people do that, then you really can say you've helped save the world.
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