Tiny Homes - Are They For You?
In 1973, the average size of a home was just over 1,500 square feet. However, more than forty years later that size has grown to almost 2,600 square feet. While people may have much more space for themselves and their stuff, they also have much higher mortgage payments and property taxes to deal with each year. Because of this, there has been a recent trend to substantially downsize into what are known as "tiny homes." These homes, which are defined as those averaging between 100-400 square feet, are currently the hottest trend in today's housing market. However, as with anything that is relatively new, there are various pros and cons associated with these homes. If you're thinking of taking the plunge and going tiny, here are some things to consider.
Low Cost
While it's hard to find a new home in today's housing market that costs less than $100,000 and doesn't come with years of large mortgage payments, the average cost of a tiny home is only $23,000. And in addition to this, almost 70 percent of tiny home buyers don't have a mortgage to deal with, making it a smart financial decision.
Limited Space
While the idea of not having a mortgage is appealing, a potential tiny home buyer must realize that space inside their home will be very limited. Because of this, they may have to rid themselves of some possessions, or place them in a storage facility. Along with this, buyers will have to remember that their rooms will be very close together, which could make turning on the television or cooking a meal tougher than usual.
Easy to Move
While it's almost impossible to move a traditional house, moving a tiny house is quite easy. Able to be moved on the back of a flatbed truck, a tiny home can change locations whenever the owner chooses to do so. So if you start out in the city and later decide you'd like to live in the country, all you'll need is a flatbed truck upon which to load your house, and soon you'll be living wherever you choose.
Relationship Issues
For couples living in tiny homes, the lack of space can sometimes be tough on their relationship. For example, if an argument takes place and one person wants some time to themselves, they'll have a hard time finding it inside a tiny home. Along with this, people who like privacy and have been used to having plenty of rooms from which to choose may find a tiny home too claustrophobic. So before a couple invests in a tiny home, they should closely examine their relationship and discuss how they will live in such a small space.
Getting Back to Basics
In today's world, more people are choosing to leave the fast lane and get back to basics, and a tiny home lets them do just that. So if you're tired of all the clutter, get back to basics and experience a new kind of personal freedom.
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